Pro-Freedom. Pro-Democracy.

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We're taking on Turning Point USA.

Dream for America is a Gen Z-led 501(c)4 non-profit founded in 2023 by William He focused on identifying, educating, and mobilizing America’s students to promote the principles of freedom, democracy, & progressive government. We’re building the most organized, active, and powerful pro-democracy grassroots network both online and on-campuses across the country to engage young Americans of all backgrounds at all times — not just on the eve of an election. Together, we’ll mobilize a new generation of democracy defenders because we are the leading progressive alternative to far-right youth groups like Turning Point USA.

About Us
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The 3 C's of Dream for America


Dream for America is dedicated to supporting students on campus across America through innovative youth-tailored marketing, distributing educational literature, hosting on-campus events with local leaders, & counter countering TPUSA-sponsored far-right student government candidates by distributing “Democracy Grants” for pro-democracy candidates to to cover campaign expenses and engage their peers in campus civic engagement. We also play offense with a sense of urgency to go to the places where progressives are in the ideological and philosophical minority. We’ll extend our outreach through chapters and training sessions across the country beyond deep-blue college campuses into trade schools, places of faith, working-class communities, suburban, and rural America.

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By employing creative branding, “memes”, and relevant pop-culture into day-to-day marketing and organizing activities, Dream for America constantly reaches new demographics and expands our base of supporters young and old. We combine culture and politics to combat TPUSA & PragerU’s content creating army of agitators and engage young people in meaningful, educational, and effective ways. We also reinvent the playbook on progressive messaging, pursue values-based candidate endorsements, & advance public policy advocacy utilizing our Zoomer’s New Deal — which is THE most comprehensive & visionary policy platform put forward by any Gen-Z organization.

Gen-Z's Blueprint for America

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We aim to be the leading and premiere brand in events and organizing for young progressive activists across America. Starting in 2024, we hope to hold summits and conferences both local and national sponsored by pro-democracy stakeholders across the country. Our flagship event will be “DemocracyFest 2024”. Each conference will aim to feature leading thought-leaders and field experts in the progressive movement, as well as provide resourceful and innovative break-out training and networking sessions for attendees. At a time when the average US Senator is 64.3 years old, we’re building a bench of new and young leaders of the progressive movement who will one day serve as future campaign staffers, legislative aides, & perhaps even future Presidents.

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Our Impact

  • 50+ million impressions & accounts reached across social media
  • recruited hundreds of volunteers spanning 35+ states
  • out-raising Turning Point USA’s first year fundraising 2-to-1 in just 6 months
  • chapter presence coast to coast
  • investing in youth engagement in swing states
  • nearly HALF of our team represent swing-states or red-states
  • 43% of our volunteers identify as LGBTQ+
  • average grassroots contribution of $27
  • broad Gen-Z support for our Zoomer’s New Deal & our general messaging that transcends demographics, party affiliation, & political ideology
  • assembled a board of advisors composed of industry leading political strategists, community leaders, & elected officials
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The Gen-Z Bill of Rights

Gen-Z knows what our priorities are. We’re everyday Americans who want opportunities for ourselves and security for our families. We want safe communities and decent educations. We want good healthcare that doesn’t force us to go broke when we get sick. We want our voices to be heard in a system ruled by special interests fighting to erode our democracy. We want to know that somebody is listening to us and fighting for our future. Gen-Z believes a better world is possible — but only if Gen-Z has a hand in shaping it.

  1. New Deal for the 21st Century
  2. America First in Quality of Life
  3. Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness
  4. Make America Cool Again